海外生活に基づいた英会話、英語表現をブログを通して紹介。Everyday matters, thoughts and life in California

Dreamyas’s blog



Don't see anyone as a perfect one just because you look up to them and they seem better.  A title is nothing.  It doesn't mean a thing.  It's just a false belief about the person.  It's convenient to carry in this material world but you have to see it as one of their many traits.  A title is nothing but your/their illusion.  That's what they want you to see.  That's why if you are intuitive enough or your intuition is spot on, you see many layers to it.  Intuition is the inner-knowing which is connected with this Great Universe.  Or Heavenly Realm.  Or God.   But those words are also merely your illusion.  Simply put, they/the words are the energy that exist in this natural state.  A Force of Nature.  Whatever the title is, you are tapping into It. That's your consciousness, your conscience.


So when you look up to them, expect nothing.  Or expect good and if it doesn't come out of them, see it as it is.  They are dropping their truth.  That's what you have to pay attention to.  Every move of theirs is a sign, a hint, and the mind they have in them.  They might be confused, or pressured.  They might not be in a clear state of mind.  They might just look better outside but are scared or insecure inside.  You never know what they're going through within their mind.  When they are not 100% confident, they are not aligned with It.  Their blindside gets permanent.  They get drunken in their abilities, status, ego which is also called Narcissism.

So, remember.  A title is merely a dream.  Look at what they practice, not what they preach.  Talk is cheap.  Don't be drown in your drunken dream.  





Title     かたがき、名称、ラベル

False belief    勘違い、偽り、間違った考え、思想、思い込み

Material world    世俗な世の中、 物資主義な世界

See it as one of their many traits     1つの特徴としてみる、いくつかある性質の一つとして見る

A title is nothing but your/their illusion   かたがきは思い込み/勝手な想像に過ぎない

Intuition    直感、ピンとくるカン

Spot on    当たり、完璧

Inner-knowing    元々知っていること、自分の中に存在する賢明さ

Simply put   ただ単に、簡単に言うと

A Force of Nature  自然の力、宗教的でない自然主義者がする言い方の「神様」的存在の偉大な力

you are tapping into It     自然の力/神様にふれている。 It がわざと大文字な理由は自然/神の力は偉大なので強調するために。

Consciousness     意識

Conscience        良識、モラル、道徳の善における意識

Look up to     尊重する、尊敬する、見上げる

Insecure        自信がない心の状態、少し情緒不安定な感じ

They are not aligned with It    偉大な自然の力からぶれている、自分の軸がぶれる、良し悪しのバランスが取れてない

They get drunken in their abilities, status, ego        自分の力、ステータス、エゴ/プライドに酔う、自惚れる、自分が一番すごいといい気になる

Narcissist  ナルシスト

Look at what they practice, not what they preach  人が実行している行動を見、口だけの言葉は二の次にする

Talk is cheap   口先だけ、言ってることが行動に伴ってない時に言うセリフ

Don't be drown in your drunken dream 酔った思いにも溺れない、ナルシスト的な考え方に自分を浸さない

Too Positive

I've seen someone who's too positive.  In my experience, being too positive is fake.  It sounds good but it's phony.  Although it might be hard, balancing to be positive is the best way, I think.  For example, someone who doesn't have much experience in dancing but is thinking too positive to start working as a professional dancer sounds good but unrealistic.  I don't like to be a naysayer but maybe they want to wait and see at least until they start taking classes and get confident at performing in public.  Anything is possible indeed, but you don't want to forget where you are now.  I'm more realistic now than 15 years ago.  It's fun and inspiring to have a dream and go for it, I've been there and it was quite a journey.  However, it makes you feel miserable inside if you keep pretending yourself that you are an amazing dancer who will book many professional gigs while in reality, you don't even have a gut to go for an audition.  Face yourself and face your fear.  Stop being too positive and get in touch with your own reality and truth.


I get bothered when someone is too fluffy positive.  They might not want to hurt your feelings or not brave enough to tell it like it is but I'd rather hear the truth.  I don't need any compliments, just say the truth.  Don't pretend, don't lie and don't front.  Just be honest because false compliments are toxic and ingenious.  Being too positive is trying too hard.  It's painful to watch.  Let's learn to be honest even though it might not appear to be pretty.  Truth is sexy.  

Blind side

I'd like to get your attention, my fellow Japanese people.  What you're seeing on mainstream medias, the news on TV are dishonest.  When you do your research, you'll difinately find out about it but if you are gullibly believing the news, you'll be blinded.  It is a deception.  It is mind control.  TV programs are programming you!  That's what's happening in the US as well.  Don't believe whatever you see on TV and start asking questions.  Why are they announcing that Biden is the elect president while his party clearly had committed numerous fraudulent acts?  Media shouldn't finalize the result, it's the people who voted.  We the people who elect the next president.  So pay close attention, don't fall for their traps.  American people deserve the honest result.  Truth will win.  Start questioning who are deceiving and why so.  We shouldn't be passive, we have the power.  We shall all wake up and witness these lies for us to be able to stand up for our right.  

Great Awakening

What a time to be alive!  It looks like we are going through a Great Awakening.  We are witnessing a hot mess we have in this world!  We are also witnessing fixings of corruptions and constructing of unity.  Old is crumbling down only for New to be able to emerge.  Are you seeing it?  

I've heard about this shift over 10 years ago.  It would occur because the Mayan calendar was ending in the year of 2012 and after that the Earth would start spinning faster than ever and change its frequencies.  I also heard the ascension had started.  Whatever the explanation was, I felt it was an important thing to note.  The advice I got was to choose Light no matter what because Light would cast Darkness away, and uplift yourself and others if you could.  Division might most likely to happen but choose unity and Light.  One thing that left me feel unsure was that no one mentioned how exactly that "shift" would happen so I have been keeping my eyes open ever since.  Or so I thought.  Who would have thought it would come as a form of pandemic and election?  I didn't notice "IT" until this July or so!  When I started to do more research on what had been happening then (BLM and Antifa protests and riots), I clearly saw what I was missing!  I was looking at somewhere else that I never expected that President Trump was the part of Great Awakening!  Wow!  Everything was in plain sight!  Things shattered in me and turned upside down!  How could I have missed it all this time!  I felt so ashamed that I had no clue about it!  I also felt bad that I thought Trump was a bad guy.  I was only listening to friends and the medias.  I never listened to my heart.  I never initiated any research on him.  The programming happens if you don't pay attention.  That's how mind control rules you.  I felt horrified that I wasn't even aware of it and allowed it to happen to me!  That's when I started doing even more research.  

Here we are heading to 12/21/20.  It seems that this is the significant point of the day in this Great Awakening.  I'm not a psychic or prophet so I'm just saying what I've heard.  It's so exciting!  So whoever reading this, peel your eyes open and don't fall behind.  Let's be the Light in this world.  Cast the Dark away and let's help each other to elevate.  

Truth Will Set You Free

Truth will set you free.  Be truthful.  Say your truth.  Don't let your ego get to you.  Be honest, tell the truth.  There are lots of programming, mind controlling, brainwashing going on.  First, we have to realize we are in the world where someone(s) in power enjoys exercising their power over you.    A lot of us are under mind control.  We have to open our eyes and spot it!  Who are doing that?  Who are controlling us?  Then we've got to realize we've got the power.  We are in charge of our lives.  Don't let them control you, don't give in your power.  

According to my research, a lot of our supposedly idols, heroes, crushes and inspirational public figures will be (or have been) disappearing before our eyes.  Pay attention!  They are not what we thought they were.  Sad, sad, sad!  All of us have to deal with the consequences.  Cause and effect.  Therefore, be responsible for your own actions.  What you give is what you get.  Things go around come around.  That's why be good, do good, and be aware.  It's wise not to worship anybody.  Go within and get to know who you are.  If you haven't, sit with yourself.  What do you see?  Who are you?  Why are you here?  This massive change is revolutionary.  Witness it and feel it from your heart.  Good things are on the horizon.  We keep working to get better.  And let's enjoy what we harvest.

False Announcement

"We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don't want the truth to be exposed.  The timple (simple) fact is the election is far from over.  Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor.  In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process.  Legal votes decide who is President, not the news media.


Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated.  The American people are entitled to an honest election that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots.  This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election.  It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent manufactured, or cast by illegal or deceased votes.  Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room- and then fight in court to block their access.  

So what is Biden hiding?  I will not rest until the American people have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands."


President Donald J. Trump


I live in America because she practices Democracy.  I choose to live here because I choose Democracy.

The definition of democracy is a form of government in which the common people hold political power and can rule either directly or through elected representatives.  

Right now, I see that it is fading in the air.  We must question why we are witnessing what we are witnessing over the election results.  Why mainstream medias are covering false poll counts?  Several cities are suing for fraudulent.  We need the transparency here.  

It is making me nervous and worried, I know it is clearly a fraud.  What happened to our democracy?  What are they threatening our democracy for?  We are not communist country.  Everyone has the right to demand the fair election.  I live in and love The United States of America.  I will not let the evil doers tarnish our freedom.