海外生活に基づいた英会話、英語表現をブログを通して紹介。Everyday matters, thoughts and life in California

Dreamyas’s blog


Wake up! Wake up!

This message is for someone/people who is/are not yer fully awake.


Wake up!  Wake up!  Wake your butt up!  

Things are already shifting and you are about to witness something magnificent!  
This is a message I got from some people I follow and I'm personally super excited.  But those who are clueless of what I'm saying, you most likely find out about it later.  How later, I don't know.  The message says, don't go in a fear mode.  Don't be afraid.  It'll be ok but you wanna be openminded!  You may start seeing horrific things you'd have never thought of, first.  You might get shell shocked maybe because you thought I was crazy all this time.  Although there's no need for me to prove and back up what I have said and written before, I'd like to remind you to remember many things I mentioned in my blogs.  There's no "better than you" syndrome here.  I just want you to wake up so that things start making sense to you.  And maybe, you finally start realizing that you are at dawn.  One more again, 


Wake up!  Wake up!  You'd better wake up to see what's really going down!  


Your Creation

I'd like to take you to our future, hopefully the near future, today.  



Imagine if you can create anything you want.  What would that be?  Would you like a life with no debts or loans?  How about Freedom?  Abundance?  Luxury?  A big house?  Everybody wants different things but have you visualized it clearly?  I know in this climate, it's easy to be discouraged to dream big.  In California, lockdowns started since the middle of December, AGAIN, and no one knows when it will end.  I absolutely know how it can get to you.  In a way, we have been set up to feel down, defeated and alone.  With no money coming in but still having bills to pay, who wouldn't, right?  

But today, regardless of what we are facing, we are going to time travel to our near future.  Be bold, go big!   What do you want to experience?


Without a doubt, I want my freedom!  I don't want to be told when I can get out of my house, oops, apartment, or what I have to wear around my mouth.  Are you kidding me?  You wanna shut me up?  Dude, I'm already a quiet person, I don't need a piece of cloth to shut my mouth!  And I don't know how many of my readers care to know but a piece of cloth that you put over your mouth aka mask is used for somebody who is under MK Ultra.  Side note: Project MK-Ultra was a series of CIA-led experiments on mind control.  THEY put masks on MK-Ultra victims because they are slaves to them.  They will shut them up by covering their mouths because they have no say.  Sadly makes sense, right?  

So, I'm visualizing myself being free as a bird, traveling wherever and whenever I wish, having wonderful times with my loved ones including my fur babies!  Wouldn't that be nice to have that kind of life?  Now it's your turn!  Remember that I mentioned about co-creating my life a couple of blogs ago?  I am co-creating wonderful life circumstances with our Divine Nature.  You never know if it's possible or not until you try.  And if it doesn't come easily, you gotta try again and again.  One good thing I learned in my life is never to give up on what you really desire for.  Sometimes it might not come in a shape or form you imagined.  When that happens, you gotta examine it well.  There's a thing called a blessing in disguise.  Pay attention!  Stay determined and be openminded!  


This can be a little game you play during the lockdown or when you feel down.  Don't underestimate what your imagination can do.  And when you do, do it for your good cause!  Remember!  Life is good if you see it that way.  So see it that way!




in this climate         この状況で、この環境で

be discouraged  落ち込む、しょぼんとなる、くじける

it can get to you  傷つく、めいる

In a way, we have been set up to feel down, defeated and alone


regardless of what we are facing


Be bold   大胆になれ

Are you kidding me?   マジで? マジかよ? 冗談じゃないよ。

Dude  よお、おい、ちょっとさ〜。 Dude は男の人のこと(guy)だけど、口語の会話ではよくカリフォルニア弁として使われる。湘南とかのサーファー系のノリ?

Side note: Project MK-Ultra was a series of CIA-led experiments on mind control

余談: プロジェクトMKウルトラとはCIAが行ったマインド・コントロールの実験。ちなみにハリウッドの大女優、俳優、歌手などはMKウルトラで有名。

they have no say   言う権利がない。自分の意見を言えない(言わされない)。
fur babies    犬、猫など毛があるペット。

co-creating my life   自分の人生を築く、作り上げる。

a blessing in disguise   何かに隠れているありがたいこと、喜ばしいこと。disguiseは変装という意味。

Stay determined and be openminded    

決心して視野を広げたままでいて。open mindは心を開く、と言うより先入観なく柔軟でいる心のこと。

Don't underestimate what your imagination can do


do it for your good cause



Buckle Up My Friends!

In the midst of uncertainty, I'd like to share a message I got from a YouTuber I follow.  Although it is a slight move, I'm doing my part to pitch in this uprising.  I'm cryptic sometimes only because I want you the reader to be proactively deciphering what I'm saying.  You have a beautifully amazing brain that God gave you.  Use it till break it.


Here goes;


Buckle up my friends and add butter to your popcorn.  The movie is about to go full throttle, everything is happening according to the plan and outcome will be glorious for all humanity!


Soon the world will be unplugged from the corrupt world and will awake to a new and beautiful world of peace and prosperity, equality for all living beings!


Equality is coming!


Remember, many things will happen now and to get stocked up and EXTRA Popcorn!!!








a slight move                       ちょっとした動き

I'm doing my part                自分の役目、自分ができる事をしている

pitch in this uprising            この運動(動き、movement) に参加する

cryptic                                  暗号っぽい、謎めいた 

proactively                           自発的に、積極的に

deciphering                          解読する

Buckle up                             シートベルトをしめる
go full throttle                       速度が加速する、エキサイトする

Frauds                                 詐欺師たち


Twenty Twenty One


Twenty Twenty One, 

what would you make of it?

Be aware or not, we all are co-creators of our lives.  
I'll be no apologetic on creating what I want in my life.  I'll be bold on what I believe in.  People can say anything they want.  As long as I won't hurt you, I can do anything I wish.  Hope you know that for you as well.  We create wonderful things on earth.  This world is a wonderful place.  Let's get going with full goodness.  Don't let a piece of crap in your way.  All good as long as we co-create good things.  Be aware.  People, please be aware!



Sarcasm is one of the humors I enjoy.  I found a video which is packed with full joy of sarcasms and this is a Christmas present from me to you.  I will write out the first few lines from the top with my interpretations.  It is for anybody who wants to learn about the most current, trendy American jokes which will most definitely be remembered in years to come.  Let's get to it!  



The title of this video,


"A Communist Christmas"


- Why do you think it's called "Communist Christmas"?  Because a lot of state governors in the US are deciding what we can and cannot do for us this Christmas.  It's our right to decide what we can and cannot do in life, it's our freedom and free will, yet some are too programmed (brainwashed) to follow what the phony bosses order them.  Somebody who rules and controls without others' consent is called a Communist in a political term.  

Hi there, obedient person!


- So many Americans are so obedient that they are wearing masks, social distancing, staying home, washing hands with soap and sanitizers for more than 50 times a day without a doubt and that proved Communist leaders that the most YouTube viewers are obedient people.

This year for the holidays, you'll get to enjoy some special restrictions to help you replace the Christmas spirit with the spirit of Communism.


- Since you're such an obedient person, you must enjoy the all controlled, no joy no freedom kind of oppressed Christmas with your family.  You are not allowed to have fun this year because you don't deserve it.


🎶 It's beginning to look a lot like Communism, everywhere you go 🎶🎵🎵


- A Christmas song.  Original lyric is "Christmas" instead of Communism.  Communism is taking over in America. 


This Christmas, it's not that you can't enjoy your family.  It's just that you get to enjoy your family in different ways. The ways that we tell you you can enjoy your own family. 

- Just do what the supreme tyrant communist governors tell you to do because you have no say.  The Communists don't give a crap about you.


(On the phone)  I'm not coming home this year, mom.  I've been ordered to stay at home.  I probably won't see you before you die.  Merry Christmas! 

- Even though mom might be old and wants to spend this special time with you, only listen to what the merciless governors say because you are just a follower and cannot decide what your priority is on your own.

That felt good.  It's enjoyable to do my part.

- This person cannot think for himself that he feels good that he followed the order.


Your year of dedicated obedience to tyrannical governors is helping replace the normal joy, the holiday spirit with the increased joy of lockdown related blessings like increased depression, suicides, child abuse, domestic abuse, overdoses, unemployment, bankruptcies and starvation.


- Since you can't think for yourself and keep following the tyrant orders and lockdown procedures, it's creating massive tragedy therefore, the true joy of holiday season is taken away from you.  

You should be proud of your obedience because it helped you contribute to these things.


- You are so stupid for listening to the tyrant government and allowing them to control you.  Open your eyes, think for yourself and stop being a sheep! 


Warms my heart.


- Your dumbness cracks me up.  





Sarcasm             皮肉なセンス

from the top        始めから、最初から

the most current, trendy American jokes which will most definitely be remembered in years to come


Let's get to it!  さあ始めよう! 

Communist          君主政指揮者。権力を持ったものがパワハラし、庶民をコントロールする人/政治家

freedom               自由

free will                自分の意思

too programmed (brainwashed)  洗脳されすぎている、めっちゃマインドコントロールされている

in a political term   政治用語

Hi there               やあ! こんちわー!

obedient              いうことを聞く、逆らわない、人の言いなりになっている、自分の意思で動かない

you'll get to enjoy some special restrictions    特別な束縛を楽しむ事ができるでしょう。get to = can

the Christmas spirit       クリスマスの雰囲気、クリスマス感

the spirit of Communism    君主制の方針

the supreme tyrant communist governors      最高君主制コントローラーの政府、州知事

you have no say        あなたの言い分は考慮されない、あなたに発言権はない

give a crap about       気にする、心掛ける、考えてあげる

do my part                 自分の役目を果たす

think for (yourself)      (あなたのために)考える。自分で考える。
Your year of dedicated obedience to tyrannical governors        心から君主政治に言いなりになった年

the holiday spirit         クリスマス、年末年始の雰囲気

child abuse                 幼児虐待

domestic abuse           家庭内暴力、DV

stop being a sheep!     言いなりになるな!sheep(羊)は群れの中でしか行動できない、自己判断出来ず言うこと聞く人、自己確立ができてない人

Your dumbness cracks me up      あなたのおとぼけ度、笑える。crack(s) me up で笑わかす、ウケさせる

Did You Know???

Did you know that the Democratic Party founded the Ku Klux Klan aka KKK?  I was shocked!  I thought it was the Republican Party!  Then, the Democrats wanted to keep Black people enslaved and keep them from voting.  Wow, why didn't I know that?  I'm so embarrassed.  This definitely taught me a lesson; don't guess, don't assume, don't naively accept others' opinions but do your own research!  When you are an immigrant, you tend to be ignorant on many things but American people just let that go because they are generous.  Of course it's our responsibility to know, to learn and to study what we don't know so we'd better stop giving ourselves a slack on not knowing the American common sense.  Please check out this educational video down below⬇️⬇️⬇️



Art Piece



I had never heard of this Japanese American artist named Isamu Noguchi until now.  I found out about him through our First Lady's tweet.  His art piece is now in the Rose Garden at the White House and it sounds like it signifies something important???  I'm not sure what she's coding at this point but I'm sure we will find out about it later.  Here's this guy's biography.  What a dedicating artist!


Isamu Noguchi (1904–1988) was one of the twentieth century’s most important and critically acclaimed sculptors. Through a lifetime of artistic experimentation, he created sculptures, gardens, furniture and lighting designs, ceramics, architecture, and set designs. His work, at once subtle and bold, traditional and modern, set a new standard for the reintegration of the arts.

Noguchi, an internationalist, traveled extensively throughout his life. (In his later years he maintained studios both in Japan and New York.) He discovered the impact of large-scale public works in Mexico, earthy ceramics and tranquil gardens in Japan, subtle ink-brush techniques in China, and the purity of marble in Italy. He incorporated all of these impressions into his work, which utilized a wide range of materials, including stainless steel, marble, cast iron, balsa wood, bronze, sheet aluminum, basalt, granite, and water.

Born in Los Angeles, California, to an American mother and a Japanese father, Noguchi lived in Japan until the age of thirteen, when he moved to Indiana. While studying pre-medicine at Columbia University, he took evening sculpture classes on New York’s Lower East Side, mentoring with the sculptor Onorio Ruotolo. He soon left the university to become an academic sculptor.

In 1926, Noguchi saw an exhibition in New York of the work of Constantin Brancusi that profoundly changed his artistic direction. With a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, Noguchi went to Paris, and in 1927 worked in Brancusi’s studio. Inspired by the older artist’s forms and philosophy, Noguchi turned to modernism and abstraction, infusing his highly finished pieces with a lyrical and emotional expressiveness, and with an aura of mystery.

Returning to New York City as well as traveling extensively in Asia, Mexico, and Europe in the late 1920s through the 1930s, Noguchi survived on portrait sculpture and design commissions, proposed landscape works and playgrounds, and intersected and engaged in collaborations with a wide range of luminaries. Noguchi’s work was not well-known in the United States until 1940, when he completed a large-scale sculpture symbolizing the freedom of the press, which was commissioned in 1938 for the Associated Press Building in Rockefeller Center, New York City. This was the first of what would eventually become numerous celebrated public works worldwide, ranging from playgrounds to plazas, gardens to fountains, all reflecting his belief in the social significance of sculpture.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the backlash against Japanese Americans in the United States had a dramatic personal effect on Noguchi, motivating him to become a political activist. In 1942, he cofounded Nisei Writers and Artists Mobilization for Democracy, a group dedicated to raising awareness of the patriotism of Japanese Americans; and voluntarily entered the Colorado River Relocation Center (Poston) incarceration camp in Arizona where he remained for six months.

Following his release, Noguchi set up a studio at 33 MacDougal Alley in Greenwich Village, New York City, where he returned to stone sculpture as well as prolific explorations of new materials and methods. His ideas and feelings are reflected in his works of that period, particularly the delicate slab sculptures included in the 1946 exhibition Fourteen Americans at The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Noguchi did not belong to any particular movement, but collaborated with artists working in a range of disciplines and schools. He created stage sets as early as 1935 for Martha Graham, beginning a lifelong collaboration; as well as for Merce Cunningham, Erick Hawkins, and George Balanchine and composer John Cage. In the 1960s, Noguchi began working with stone carver Masatoshi Izumi on the island of Shikoku, Japan; a collaboration that would also continue for the rest of his life. From 1961 to 1966, he worked on a playground design with the architect Louis Kahn.

Whenever given the opportunity to venture into the mass-production of his designs, Noguchi seized it. In 1937, he designed a Bakelite intercom for the Zenith Radio Corporation, and in 1947, his glass-topped table was produced by Herman Miller. This design and others—such as his designs for Akari light sculptures which were initially developed in 1951 using traditional Japanese materials—are still being produced today.
In 1985, Noguchi opened The Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum (now known as The Noguchi Museum), in Long Island City, New York. The Museum, established and designed by the artist, marked the culmination of his commitment to public spaces. Located in a 1920s industrial building across the street from where the artist had established a studio in 1960, it has a serene outdoor sculpture garden, and many galleries that display Noguchi’s work, along with photographs, drawings, and models from his career. He also indicated that his studio in Mure, Japan, be preserved to inspire artists and scholars; a wish that was fulfilled with the opening of the Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum Japan in 1999.

Noguchi’s first retrospective in the United States was in 1968, at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. In 1986, he represented the United States at the Venice Biennale. Noguchi received the Edward MacDowell Medal for Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to the Arts in 1982; the Kyoto Prize in Arts in 1986; the National Medal of Arts in 1987; and the Order of the Sacred Treasure from the Japanese government in 1988. He died in New York City in 1988.

