海外生活に基づいた英会話、英語表現をブログを通して紹介。Everyday matters, thoughts and life in California

Dreamyas’s blog


Wake up! Wake up!

This message is for someone/people who is/are not yer fully awake.


Wake up!  Wake up!  Wake your butt up!  

Things are already shifting and you are about to witness something magnificent!  
This is a message I got from some people I follow and I'm personally super excited.  But those who are clueless of what I'm saying, you most likely find out about it later.  How later, I don't know.  The message says, don't go in a fear mode.  Don't be afraid.  It'll be ok but you wanna be openminded!  You may start seeing horrific things you'd have never thought of, first.  You might get shell shocked maybe because you thought I was crazy all this time.  Although there's no need for me to prove and back up what I have said and written before, I'd like to remind you to remember many things I mentioned in my blogs.  There's no "better than you" syndrome here.  I just want you to wake up so that things start making sense to you.  And maybe, you finally start realizing that you are at dawn.  One more again, 


Wake up!  Wake up!  You'd better wake up to see what's really going down!