海外生活に基づいた英会話、英語表現をブログを通して紹介。Everyday matters, thoughts and life in California

Dreamyas’s blog


Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is almost here in America. ここアメリカでは サンクスギヴィングデー、感謝祭がやってきます。 11/28 の木曜日で毎年11月最後の木曜日です。 もう週末に近いので多くの人々が日曜日まで休みを取ります。 学校などはこの週は水曜日が最後…

Practice kind of makes you perfect

Ever since I started teaching online, I often get asked how they should study English because a lot of them don't improve rapidly and it let them down. Some get so depressed that they even lose interest in continuing to take classes. Okay,…

Big Sur

I went to Big Sur the other day. It takes about 50 minutes from where we live. My hubby told me out of nowhere that he wanted to take me to Deetjen's a couple of days prior to this. I was like why not? I had never heard of the place but he…

Dream Big

I'm a dreamer. A big dreamer. I always wanted to live in America ever since I was a teenager. Why? Because American Pop Music and Hollywood Movies so inspired me. Everyday I listened to Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson, TLC, Pr…