海外生活に基づいた英会話、英語表現をブログを通して紹介。Everyday matters, thoughts and life in California

Dreamyas’s blog


The Painful Truth

Ever since George Floyd was killed at the hands of injustice, I started paying even more attention to the painful truths. You wouldn't notice if you don't take a close look. And unfortunately, it's in everywhere. Positivity in the name of …


In the midst of movement, I am spelling what I see from my eyes. What I hear from my ears. What I think in my brain. And what I feel in my heart. My body stands in my sacred space. There's no room for anyone to trespass. If you can see me,…

Ego’s Defense

So, this is the follow up post on Gabby's Miracle Membership Facebook group. I'm making noises. I'm doing my part to end racism. Read on. Dear Miracle Members and Gabby With love and care, I appreciate you for noticing me! I’m fully aware …

Voicing out!

This is the open letter I wrote to an author and spiritual teacher, Gabriel Bernstein. Since I'm her Miracle Member, I felt a responsibility to be vocal about this matter. I know it sounds judgmental but when you talk about racism, you are…

Change in a mindful way

Hello meditators! I’m having a hard time focusing with all the Black Lives Matter movements that are going on in our country right now. I need your mindful attention, mindful practitioners! I want you to listen to me and go to your heart. …

I can’t breathe

George Floyd. Police brutality against Black people. Injustice. Racism. White supremacy. White privilege. Black Lives Matter. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't bre…

Walking Meditation めいそう

I did walking meditation yesterday for the first time as I plugged into an audio guided meditation. It was a magically misty morning in Monterey and somehow I was taken over by this immersing presence. I took a trail I had never before. Th…

Black Bean Burgers

What's going on, guys? This shelter in place experience is prepping me to be a semi world class chef! I'm telling you! I feel like all I do is to cook some gourmet-like foods! And mostly plant-based foods. What can't get healthier than tha…

Homemade Pizza!

Hey gorgeous people! It's Marvelous May! Hope you're having a wonderful earthy time wherever you are. Without further ado, let's just dive in! We made Pizza about a few weeks ago, all from scratch and we are so proud! I had never ever done…

Backyard Forest

Hello guys! It's been awhile! I can't believe it's May already! My life under Shelter in place has been awesome! Everyday, I'm liking where I live as I walk around my neighborhood. I'm spending more time with my fur babies. I'm so happy th…


Hello guys! Hows everything going? 今日はCOVID19 に関するニュースを紹介します。でもどちらかと言うと、中立の立場か、元気が出る系ニュースのほうが多いですので、心の準備が必要です! 日本とアメリカを行ったり来たりしながら気付くのは、日本に届くア…

(They Long To Be) Close To You

Hello everyone! Hope you're staying safe and sound. Anyone who got tired of watching recent news, check this out! みなさん、お元気ですか? 最近のニュースに飽きた人、必見です。 I found this YouTube video which made me smile today. It's perf…

Serenading from balcony

Courtesy of KCRW.COM Hi everyone! I'd like to share some video clips today. 今日はいくつかの動画をシェアしたいと思います。 As you know, Italy reports record-high single-day death toll from coronavirus. As we watch them being stuck at home,…

My New Normal

What's up everybody? As I said in the last blog, I'm officially Social distancing and staying at home. Our "Shelter-in-place" order kicked in on Tuesday and the juice bar I work at shutdown until 4/8. I'm at home just doing things I need t…

Shelter-in-place order for California

Courtesy of MarketWatch How's it going, guys? 今日はアメリカでのコロナウイルスに関連した内容を書きたいと思います。 コロナウイルスが発生した時期、ちょうど日本に里帰りしていたので日本での反応も目撃し、アメリカに戻って今度はこちらでの反応も経…

How to calm your anxiety about coronavirus

Courtesy of mindbodygreen Hi guys! What's going on? みなさん、どうされていますか? 今世界中に広がっているコロナウイルス、心配です。 が、この心配がメンタルに影響していませんか? しょうがないとはいえども、ここまでことが広がればやはり気にしな…

Matcha Everything

I love Matcha! I always loved Matcha ever since I was a kid and that never changed. Since the first time I had an Iced Matcha Green tea, it became a treat for me. My mom served it for us only for the special occasions so it became my speci…

Bye Japan!

My stay in Japan is almost coming to an end. I'm here at Haneda airport about to leave for LAX in a few hours. What a trip! Who would have thought I could take a month long vacation only a few months after an equally long Caribbean vacatio…

Pop star sweeps big four awards at Grammys

Courtesy of Vogue Magazine This year's Grammy goes to...(drum rolls...) BILLIE EILISH!!! Billie Eilish is the youngest-ever solo winner for album of the year and became the first woman and second person ever to win record of the year, albu…

A Workshop Announcement!

ワークショップを開催します!!! ただ今日本に里帰り中です。 これを機会に東京と横浜でワークショップを開催します!!! 楽しめる内容を用意しています ご興味のある方は下記の内容をお読みください⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ このワークショップはオープ…

Kobe Bryant Tribute on Ellen

Pic from Ellen's Twitter Whether you're from LA or not, it was a tragic day. The superhero and a former NBA Basketball player from Los Angeles Lakers, Kobe Bryant was killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California on Sunday January …

Right before I left

Hello! I finally got back to Japan! But I'm suffering from jet lag now lol! Anyway, today, I'd like to write about right before I left the US. As some of you might know, I have been sick this past few weeks and I still can't get rid of cou…

Brad Pitt Wins Best Supporting Actor - 2020 Golden Globes

1月5日付けのブログでゴールデングローブ賞について書きましたが、今日は助演男優賞、又の名を Best Supporting Actor を受賞した ブラッド・ピットさんのスピーチからいくつかセリフを抜き出してみました。 読まれてない方はそちらのブログを先に読んでみて…

Everything is Figureoutable

夢があるのにあきらめたり、なぜか先に進めなかったり、事情ができて断念してしまったり… そういう状況に出くわしたことはありますか? 私はしょっちゅです(笑)。 なのでそういう壁を乗り越える人を尊敬します。 そして、恥をさらけ出して、その壁を乗り越え…

The Golden Globes Go Vegan

またこの季節がやってきました。 アメリカでは映画の表彰式、77回、ゴールデン・グローブ賞が1月5日、日曜日に開催されます。 映画業界にとっては、ゴールデン・グローブ はオスカーことアカデミー賞の前触れの大きな賞とされており、どの映画、プロデューサ…

Happy 2020!

What's good, y'all??? How's your New Year going so far? I had planned many things to do before the New Year and was quite sure I was ready to start the fresh 2020. Then I lost my voice on the Christmas Eve, had a fever on the Christmas Day…

Where I work

Hi guys! Today, I'd like to write about where I work! Some people know I work as a Juice Bar Attendant. Or our manager describes "Wellness Coordinator”. But what the heck is it? First of all, let me tell you about real "Juice". I feel like…

Let It Be Me (lyrics and meanings)

前回 Backstreet Boys の "Let It Be Me" のビデオのことを少し語りましたが、全部英語だったので今日は歌詞について少しふれたいと思います。Backstreet Boys を知らない方、英語のフレーズをモノにしたい方はいっこ前のブログに戻ってご覧ください! 今回…

Let It Be Me

I was never into them. Although they were the heartthrobs and teen/girl sensations of the ’90s, I never paid too much attention to this Boy Band. But these days, these guys seem popping up everywhere again. They dropped their 10th album, w…

10 things to do when you’re overwhelmed

We live in a fast-paced society and everything we do can literally overwhelm us. How do we live with it? Here's a perfect article from my favorite teacher Deepak Chopra’s newsletter for any of you who are distressed in the year-end. Let's …