海外生活に基づいた英会話、英語表現をブログを通して紹介。Everyday matters, thoughts and life in California

Dreamyas’s blog


Practice kind of makes you perfect



Ever since I started teaching online, I often get asked how they should study English because a lot of them don't improve rapidly and it let them down.  Some get so depressed that they even lose interest in continuing to take classes.  Okay, sounds very familiar, I've so been there y'all.  It's easy to lose confidence and think nothing is working for you.  I get it.  I think it's very normal to feel that way.  So, when this hits you next time, ask yourself these questions.


How long have I been studying English?

Did I get to speak/practice/listen to English today?  


First of all, it takes time to gain skills.  With all the smartphones and high tech things available in our today's world, we tend to fall for a prey on instant gratification.  We want the result right away.  If we don't get it as soon as we want, we assume something’s wrong with us or we're not on the right track.  We compare with others why we're not improving while others look like they've achieved thier life goals.  Without spending enough time exploring, learning, observing, absorbing and practicing and all, you never achieve anything overnight.  Just like nutritious and savory slow cooked stew would take some time to make, obtaining English skills will take a whole lot of time!  It is just the way it is.  No surprise.  So it's okay if you feel you're not fluent enough or not picking up what Native speakers are saying right away.  Think about how long you've been marinating yourself in the English world.  2 months?  6 months?  3 years?  20 years?  Are you marinating it enough?  Or the sauce is a little too dry?  These are the words of advice to y'all.  


Don't blame yourself for not answering to a question properly.  Or be okay with not answering it perfectly.


Don't be too hard on yourself.  Or be easy going when you make mistakes.


But instead, keep practicing and keep working at it.  Or be okay with reviewing, repeating and saying it aloud everyday.


 The more it takes, the more you gain, and you'll be happy when you've marinated enough with delicious English sauces!


Another thing I'd like to emphasize here is to continue learning.  Never ever stop learning!  Keep focusing, keep practicing because you will start blooming when the time is right.  The process might not be glamorous but if you keep doing that, you will start manifesting.  If you don't think it's not happening to you, you simply need to gear up and do more or just have to be patient with yourself and keep doing it.  Anybody who's successful in life knows this secret.  So, keep doing what you doing.  You will eventually start picking up and getting it.  Until then, be kind enough to yourself to allow mistakes and pace yourself.  Remember this saying,


Practice makes you perfect.


Even if you are not going to be perfect, you will get closer.  That's why I would say,


Practice kind of makes you perfect.  


In other words, practice makes you almost perfect.  Not completely perfect but kind of perfect.  So, don't give up!  Believe in yourself!  And enjoy your process! 

















比べることでいい刺激になるならどんどん伸びるはずですが、落ち込んだり、なんで私はできないの? と思い始めたらいい刺激にはなっていないサインです。 人と比べる必要はありません。自分なりに自分の道のりを歩いて行きましょう! 楽しくなってきたらこれから成長が見られる可能性大です。 そのまま続けていきましょう。


成功している人なら誰もが知っていること… とにかく何かができるようになるためには、ひたすら続けていくことです。 英語は耳にふれて、声に出して、練習しての繰り返し。 繰り返していたら必ず出来る日があらわれてきます。 時間がかかってもいいのです。 プロセスを楽しみましょう。



あとこれはよく思うんですが、やはり環境って必要だと思います。 日本では英語の環境がありません。 そう言う中勉強をしている皆さんは頑張っているんだ、ということに気付いてください。 だからできる範囲で英語が聞こえて使える環境を作り上げてみて下さい。 いまの世の中、YouTube、Podcasts など無料で英語にアクセスできる時代です。少しお金を出せば、Netflix、Amazon Prime、Hulu、などのストリーミングにも利用できます。 大いに活用するといいでしょう。



I'm rooting for you guys!  I'm here to help.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!  



let them down   がっかりさせる、落ち込まさせる  let(誰)〜down

get so depressed  落ち込む、鬱になる、憂鬱になる

y'all  みんな、you  all が縮まったアメリカ南部の言い方、Hip Hop の文化でよく使う口語

working 効き目がある、機能している this medicine is working この薬が効いている , my iPhone is working 私のiPhoneは機能している、ちゃんと扱えている

I get it  わかる

this hits you   こういう感じがしたら、これが起きたら

instant gratification  すぐに得たい欲求、待ちたくないから直ちに手に入れたいと思うこと、アマゾンでオンラインの購入 (ポチッと押しただけで自宅まで郵送される)

right away  すぐに

on the right track    自分のいるべき道にいる、正しい方向に進んでいる

a whole lot of time  たくさんの時間

saying it aloud   声に出して言う

manifesting  現実にする、 実現させる

be patient with yourself    我慢する、辛抱強くいる、気長でいる

pace yourself   自分のペースで行く

kind of   なんとなく、 まあまあ

I'm rooting for you  あなたを応援している

feel free to 気軽に〜する、 自由に〜する  feel free to leave anytime you want  帰りたくなったらお気軽に/ ご自由に お帰りください